The Expat Therapist: Navigating Mental Health and Dreams Abroad

033 Expat Insurance with Amy Pacitti

May 13, 2024

This is one of those episodes where we introduce a tedious detail of moving abroad that can help you be even more prepared. Help cut out some of the extra hard work for ya.

Amy Pacitti is a Canadian living in Mexico and she shares all about her journey from becoming an expat to her current career as an expat insurance agent (amongst other things).

Gain wonderful insight on
✨ Why knowing your why for a move abroad is VITAL
✨ The importance of researching before your move
✨ The Cost of Living Country Comparison website
✨ Her 'Must-Haves' List
✨ And some helpful Expat Insurance Agent advice

To work with Ariel:
✨ Info and application for the Moving Abroad Mastermind HERE
✨ Go HERE for the Craft Your Career Abroad course.