The Expat Therapist: Navigating Mental Health and Dreams Abroad

030 Want to Make the Universe Laugh?

April 01, 2024 Ariel Roberts Season 2 Episode 30

In today's episode, we talk about trust falls. Yup, you remember back in the day, turning around,  closing your eyes, falling back, and trusting with all your might that your friend wouldn't let you hit the ground. Trust falling is basically what you do throughout an entire move abroad - or in just life. And more importantly, when connecting with manifestations and attracting what you want into your life, you've got to trust fall, or you risk the chance of it not coming true!

Get your ticket to The Moving Abroad Mastermind LAUNCH PARTY here!

How do I know if the launch party is for me? Follow me for updates on more deets  @theexpattherapist on Instagram and TikTok. 

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